The Power of Momentum

By April 28, 2015Brand Tips


A little momentum can change everything.

If you watch the video, you will see that each sculptural form is beautiful and memorable in their own unique way. What is most interesting and meaningful; however, is the effect of momentum on the sculptures.

Once in motion, the objects take on a completely different quality. They move from being visually excellent to dynamic, astounding, and outstanding in their impact. The sculptures develop a new life, new qualities and a vibrancy that enables us to appreciate them in a far deeper way – they become visually magnetic.

I see parallels between what is expressed in the video, and how brand strategies are created. A memorable, mesmerising and practically successful brand can’t come from nothing. A brand built from thin air is generally unsustainable, and won’t go the distance you need it to. Just like the sculptures, the core strategy of the brand needs to have value and merit – it could be a product, a service, your people, your passion or your culture. It isn’t always the first things you see, hear or think.


The best brands usually also have great momentum – that something special which takes them from excellent to truly outstanding. When the sculptures move we see their depth and three-dimensionality, as well as their original intricate beauty from a fresh perspective. The same is true of brands – provide a little momentum, change the dynamic, or move at a different pace to the rest of the pack, and brands can communicate and become so much more than if they were static and lacking energy. A little momentum can enliven what we do, how we do it, and a brand’s impact on others.

Here are my top four tips for attaining and maintaining your brand momentum:

  1. Create a clear connection between your brand and your passion for what you do, rather than merely selling the features of what you do or sell.
  2. Build a process of performance that sets you apart from the pack.
  3. Find ways of communicating the impact your brand has had on others.
  4. Develop a compelling brand promise to hold yourself to, and then deliver a culture of performance built around this.

Don’t forget to consider the same ideas the same ideas when building your personal brand. Does your brand have enough momentum for it to engage others, and really show the depth of who you are and what you are passionate about? How differently would your brand impact the world, if you added a little momentum?

About Jack Perlinski

Jack is the Director and Owner of DAIS – a dynamic business focused on ‘elevating brands’. With a career spanning over 35 years, Jack is passionate about brand and his folio of brand success stories evidences his skill as a branding entrepreneur.